Alhambra Highlands

Martinez, CA

Developer: Richfield Real Estate Corporation

Alhambra Highlands is a 109-unit single-family residential community.  The property is in the City of Martinez and is approximately 1 mile south of Highway 4. The project is bordered on the east by designated open-space, Alhambra Avenue to the north, residential neighborhoods to the west, and Alameda Whipsnake Habitat mitigation lands to the south. Each individual lot is approximately one-quarter acre. The 109 lots are located at the center portion of the site, while the rest of the site will remain natural open space intertwined with hiking/equestrian trails and emergency vehicle access roads.

dk Engineering will be designing the grading, roadways and wet utilities (storm, sewer, and water). Storm drain design included a hydrologic and hydraulic analysis to size the storm drain pipes and ditches throughout the site. The storm drain system will be designed to direct stormwater runoff to treatment basins at either the northern or southern portion of the site. In addition to the on-site improvements, Reliez Valley Road will also be widened. Improvements will also be made to existing water pump stations and reservoir for this project and adjacent communities.